Deliver Exceptional Guest Experiences with seamless staff Coordination

Save your staff time and reduce costs by digitizing your guest directory and creating your own branded app for iOS and Android devices.
iPhone mockup

Real-time Guest Communication

Maximize guest satisfaction by responding and viewing guest requests in real time and improve employee’s active service ability to respond. Check guest requested makeup room, turndown service, and DND amongst other services in real time.

Seamless Staff Coordination

Monitor staff tasks and check real-time room updates. Control level of accessibility using presets to limit trespassing. Use performance analytics for better supervising and management.

Seamless Integration with Hotel PMS System

Caters to each hotel’s various customer classification codes, service codes, and own operating system. Diversity of hotel is presented on the app and can be used the same way
as PMS without additional conversion or training. A perfect implementation of ‘Anywhere, Anytime, Any Device.’

Ready to elevate the guest experience?

Provide your hotel guests seamless digital onboarding and contactless communication experience, coordinate with staff from anywhere, analyze their performance on your smartphone, and so much more.
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